Update: Monday, December 12th 12:50am
Mike is still unresponsive. He just went into surgery to repair his legs, so if you're reading this between 1pm and 4pm MT, please send healing love to him and his surgeons.
His blood levels were a little low this morning, so they gave him some more. Many thanks to all the blood donor heroes out there.
His blood was also a little thin, but not too concerning.
We haven't received the MRI results yet, but we have a meeting with the social worker and his entire medical team at 3pm, so I suspect we will have a nice update after that.
I'm feeling grateful for the pay-by-the-ounce salad bar and am taking extreme, borderline illegal advantage of the unlimited iced tea refills, enjoying this time with our Dad and using the excellent Wifi and spaces to work remotely. I plan on working from the hospital for the foreseeable future to stay close, get better updates from the medical team, and love on his friends who come by.
This salad though... It's the little things lately!