Update: Friday December 9th, 12:30am
I spoke with doctor and authorized insertion of central IV line to facilitate administration of fluids and medications.
We were able to contact the officer that arrived on the scene after the accident. He said that Michael was trying to cross the street in an area that there wasn’t a crosswalk, and when he attempted to cross the road he was struck by the vehicle.
He wasn’t sure about how fast the vehicle was going at the time of impact yet.
He wanted me to reassure us that Michael is in the best place in the nation for trauma, and he has seen them pull off miracles with people that are in much worse shape. This is where all of their officers go, and anybody that has any neurological damage is immediately sent there because it’s such an amazing hospital.
They do have the information of the party that was involved that hit him.
He said it soon as they are winding down the investigation he will let us know whatever they find and they can release us a copy of the report officially.
This is the helmet that saved his life.
